When I was 13 I read the book Meat is Murder and refused to dissect a frog in my eighth grade science class (it caused quite the stir, I will say). Ever since then, I have eaten some kind of vegetarian, vegan or pescatarian diet. More than 20 years later, I haven’t missed an ounce of meat. In many ways, I feel that eating this way is how I was born to eat. Since I’ve learned to do it the right way, I’ve noticed even more of its benefits mentally, spiritually and physically.
But you don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat more plants and reap the benefits. This top 10 list is for everyone because no matter how you choose to eat and what works for you, we can all use more plants in our lives.
10 Reasons to Eat More Plants
1. Weight loss: A plant-based diet is lower in saturated fat, salt, sugar and is full of fiber. Even just replacing one meal per day with vegetables and plant-based proteins can have a profound impact on weight loss.
2. Water conservation: Thousands of gallons of water are needed to produce just a pound of meat and it is depleting our ground water reserves. Not to mention, the waste from meat production often ends up in in our rivers. And guess what happens next? Gulp.
3. Save an animal: The more plants you eat, the more animals you save from cruelty, factory farming and cloning. If you saw Food Inc. you know what I’m talking about.
4. A healthy heart: By consuming less cholesterol and saturated fat from animal sources you’ll cut your chances of not only heart disease but also cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.
5. Easier digestion: Plain and simple, plants digest easier than meat. Eating plenty of vegetables with your meal can help digest animal protein too.
6. Energy efficiency: The meat and dairy industry require billions of gallons of oil for farming, slaughter, refrigeration and finally sewage and clean-up. Yuck.
7. Live longer: Lower your risk of disease and increase your immune function resulting in a longer, healthier life and more time to do the things you love to do!
8. Save the earth: The meat industry is one of the main causes of pollution, global warming and on and on. Much of our land is being destroyed to raise cattle.
9: More peaceful, loving energy: You assume the energy of the food you eat. If you want to be vibrant and happy like a ray of sunshine, eat more plants! If you do choose to eat meat, know where it comes from so you can select animals that have had a happy life.
10. Veggies taste good: Trust me on this one.You don’t have to make the bland, boring, overcooked veggies you knew as a kid. Try different cooking methods like blanching and roasting and add your favorite herbs and spices to kick the flavor up a notch. If all else fails, this sauce recipe is a savior:
- 1 inch peeled and diced ginger
- 2 garlic cloves (peeled and diced)
- 2 tablespoons of tamari or soy sauce
- 4 tablespoons of tahini
- 1/2 teaspoon pure maple syrup
- the juice of 1/2 a lemon
- dash of cayenne pepperThrow ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend. If it’s too thick add a little water and blend again.
Next week, I’ll be leading a free teleclass on how to eat more plants and green your diet:
Green Your Diet: Top Tips for a Plant-based Approach to Eating
Tuesday, November 15
7-8 p.m. ET
Plant-based diets have made their debut and there is no better time to adopt your own for ultimate health and wellness. Whether you are trying to cut back on the amount of animal products you eat, jump in and go vegan or dip your toe in to participate in Meatless Mondays, this workshop — presented by a 20-year veteran of vegetarian/vegan-ism — will guide you through the essentials of making your own diet more plant-friendly.
Register here: https://greenyourdiet.event
What You’ll Learn:
* The obvious and not-so-obvious benefits of a plant-based diet
* Top tips and tricks for adding more plant foods to your diet
* Do’s and Don’ts for going meatless
* How to navigate restaurant menus and social situations
What You’ll Get:
* First-hand advice from a veteran vegetarian who has made every mistake in the book!
* Useful cooking, shopping and meal-planning tips
* Advice for making a smooth and easy transition
* Guidance on getting the nutrients you need to feel energized
* A booklet of easy and delicious recipes to get you started
Absolutely free! Registration required.
Dial-in information provided upon registration.
Can’t make it? No worries, we’ll record the call and send it out after, but it’s highly advised you attend in person.
Register here: https://greenyourdiet.event
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